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Push To Talk Terms & Conditions

Push to Talk on BlackBerry – Push to talk is available on select BlackBerry smartphones with compatible firmware.  Push to Talk Only Plan not available for BlackBerry. You must download the Push to Talk client application from BlackBerry Application Center or VZStart. Unless you subscribe to an unlimited Global data feature, you should disable the Push to Talk application client when travelling outside the US to avoid unnecessary charges. Push to Talk is not available over WiFi networks.  Push to Talk connects only to other Verizon Wireless Push to Talk subscribers. Para un mejor funcionamiento del servicio Push to Talk, todos los que llamen en una misma sesión de Push to Talk deben tener un dispositivo capacitado para EV-DO tecnología Rev. A y deben estar recibiendo el servicio EV-DO. A Push to Talk call will automatically time out after ten (10) seconds of inactivity and voice calls will go directly to voicemail while you are on a Push to Talk Call. When on a voice call, you cannot receive a Push to Talk call. You cannot prevent others who have your wireless phone number from entering you into their Push to Talk contact list. Only one person can speak at a time during Push to Talk calls. Presence information may not be available for all Push to Talk contacts and its timeliness may be impacted by the network registration status of a Push to Talk contact. La cobertura no está disponible en todos lados.

If it is PTT only - no BlackBerry

Push to Talk - Push to Talk phone required Push to Talk connects only to other Verizon Wireless Push to Talk subscribers. Para un mejor funcionamiento del servicio Push to Talk, todos los que llamen en una misma sesión de Push to Talk deben tener un dispositivo capacitado para EV-DO tecnología Rev. A y deben estar recibiendo el servicio EV-DO. A Push to Talk call will automatically time out after ten (10) seconds of inactivity and voice calls will go directly to voicemail while you are on a Push to Talk Call. When on a voice call, you cannot receive a Push to Talk call. You cannot prevent others who have your wireless phone number from entering you into their Push to Talk contact list. Only one person can speak at a time during Push to Talk calls. Presence information may not be available for all Push to Talk contacts and its timeliness may be impacted by the network registration status of a Push to Talk contact. La cobertura no está disponible en todos lados.

If it's Mixed

Push to Talk - Push to Talk phone required Push to Talk connects only to other Verizon Wireless Push to Talk subscribers. Para un mejor funcionamiento del servicio Push to Talk, todos los que llamen en una misma sesión de Push to Talk deben tener un dispositivo capacitado para EV-DO tecnología Rev. A y deben estar recibiendo el servicio EV-DO. A Push to Talk call will automatically time out after ten (10) seconds of inactivity and voice calls will go directly to voicemail while you are on a Push to Talk Call. When on a voice call, you cannot receive a Push to Talk call. You cannot prevent others who have your wireless phone number from entering you into their Push to Talk contact list. Only one person can speak at a time during Push to Talk calls. Presence information may not be available for all Push to Talk contacts and its timeliness may be impacted by the network registration status of a Push to Talk contact. La cobertura no está disponible en todos lados. Push to Talk en dispositivos BlackBerry: Push to talk está disponible en smartphones BlackBerry selectos con programación en firme compatible. Push to Talk Only Plan not available for BlackBerry. You must download the Push to Talk client application from BlackBerry Application Center or VZStart. Unless you subscribe to an unlimited Global data feature, you should disable the Push to Talk client when travelling outside the US to avoid unnecessary charges. Push to Talk is not available over WiFi networks.

Última actualización: 01/2009