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Verizon Voluntary Suspension Policy

Verizon allows you to temporarily suspend service to one or more of your lines of service. We offer 3 suspension types to cover the following situations: (1) a lost or stolen device, (2) military deployment under conditions set forth in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and various state laws, and 3) vacation or other reasons (e.g. travel or illness). Each suspension type offers a different maximum suspension period and a different billing arrangement. In addition, each offers a different treatment of your line and telephone number if you do not reconnect service to your line before the maximum suspension period runs. You are responsible for complying with the below terms and conditions of the particular suspension you request. Please also review our FAQs for more information on our suspend service.

    Dispositivo perdido o robado

    If your device is lost or stolen, you may ask that we temporarily suspend your line of service for up to 30 days to prevent unauthorized usage and charges on your account. While suspended, your line will not be able to access or make or receive calls on the Verizon wireless data network. During the suspension, your line wouldn't be charged for voice, data or feature subscriptions. However, if you have monthly device payment charges or any recurring subscription charges (e.g., Media Center) associated with the suspended line, they will continue to bill. La cobertura y la facturación de la protección de dispositivos, si corresponde, se suspenderán hasta que se reconecte la línea de servicio. Si tienes protección para múltiples dispositivos en tu cuenta, se seguirá facturando. If your line is under a two-year contract, your upgrade eligibility and contract end dates will automatically be extended for the suspension duration.

    Antes de que transcurran los 30 días, debes reconectar el servicio a la línea usando el mismo dispositivo o un dispositivo de reemplazo. If you do not reconnect your service by the 30th day, we will treat your decision not to reconnect as a request to cancel your service for that line, and the line will automatically disconnect. And per the terms of the Customer Agreement, you will lose the telephone number and may owe certain fees and accelerated charges on your next bill.

    You may only use this suspension option once every 12 months. An exception may be available through customer service in limited circumstances.

    Vacation or Other Voluntary Suspension

    You may ask that we temporarily suspend your line of service for up to 90 days to prevent unauthorized usage and charges on your account. While suspended, your line will not be able to access or make or receive calls on the Verizon wireless data network. During the suspension, your line wouldn't be charged for voice, data or feature subscriptions. Instead, if those charges are normally higher than $10 per month, we'll cap your monthly rate at $10. If normally lower, you will continue to pay that lower price as your rate. If you have monthly device payment charges or any recurring subscription charges (e.g., Media Center) associated with the suspended line, they will continue to bill. La cobertura y la facturación de la protección de dispositivos, si corresponde, se suspenderán hasta que se reconecte la línea de servicio. Si tienes protección para múltiples dispositivos en tu cuenta, se seguirá facturando. If your suspended line is under a two-year contract, your line's upgrade eligibility and contract end dates will be extended for however long your line is suspended.

    You may reconnect service at any time. However, if you don't reconnect service before your 90 days are up, we'll automatically reconnect it for you after 90 days.

    You may only use this suspension option once every 12 months.

    Despliegue militar

    If you or a family member are eligible under either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act or certain state laws and have received military deployment orders to a location that is outside our coverage area for a period of not less than 90 days (30 days if you are National Guard), you may ask us to terminate your contract for service and hold your telephone number. Para mantener tu número telefónico, hacemos que tu línea quede inactiva suspendiendo el servicio de la misma durante un máximo de 3 años y 90 días. While suspended, your line will not be able to access, make, or receive calls on the Verizon wireless data network. Durante la suspensión, no se facturará ningún cargo a tu línea, incluidos los cargos asociados a un acuerdo de plan de pago del dispositivo activo de la(s) línea(s) inactiva(s). Los cargos de suscripción recurrentes que se pueden utilizar en cualquier línea o por cualquier usuario de la cuenta (p. ej., servicios de streaming como Disney+, Verizon Home Device Protect, etc.) continúan facturándose durante este período de suspensión, a menos que se cancelen o eliminen. La cobertura y facturación de protección de dispositivos, si corresponde, se suspende hasta que se vuelva a conectar la línea de servicio. Si tienes protección para múltiples dispositivos en tu cuenta, se seguirá facturando, a menos que se suspendan todas las líneas. You may, however, receive a partial bill for the duration of the month that your line was active prior to suspension for military deployment. Esta suspensión solo está disponible para los dispositivos de voz. We do not hold telephone numbers for non-voice devices (e.g., mobile hotspot device, tablet, etc.).

    Debes reconectar el servicio antes de que pasen los 3 años y los 90 días. If you do not reconnect before then, the line will be automatically disconnected and you will lose the telephone number associated with your service and may owe certain accelerated charges associated with a device payment agreement on your next bill. Si se desconecta el servicio, se descontarán los cargos por cancelación prematura.