Debido a la inactividad, tu sesión finalizará en aproximadamente 2 minutos. Prolonga tu sesión haciendo clic en "Aceptar" a continuación.

Tu sesión ha terminado debido a inactividad. Vuelve a ingresar para continuar.

Verizon GizmoWatch™ 2 Software Update

Verizon se complace en anunciar una actualización de software para tu dispositivo. This software update has been tested to help optimize device performance, resolve known issues, apply the latest security patches and, when available, deliver new features.

The software will automatically be pushed to your device. Ensure your device is powered on to receive the update. This software will also be available to pull via over-the-air (OTA). To perform the pull you will need to:

  1. Open the GizmoHub app on your phone.
  2. From the app's home screen, select More > Manage Devices.
  3. Selecciona tu dispositivo.
  4. Scroll down and select Check device software updates.

If a software update is needed, it will begin when the GizmoWatch 2 is placed on its charger. The watch must be turned on and the charger plugged into power.

Actualización del sistema 9

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 12.19.2023
Software Version: ZW20V1.0.0B46

Qué está cambiando:

The current software update addresses an issue where the keyboard "Send" button failed to respond.

Actualización del sistema 8

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 11.29.2023
Software Version: ZW20V1.0.0B45

Qué está cambiando:

The current software update provides performance improvements to:

  • Virtual Keyboard for Messages
  • Receiving video and picture messages

Actualización del sistema 7

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 06.05.2023
Software Version: ZW20V1.0.0B37

Qué está cambiando:

The current software update:

  • Increases the number of contacts from 10 to 20, including the primary guardian.
  • Allows the ability to add a Gizmo buddy via Bluetooth® from the watch (pending a parent's approval).