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How to set up Verizon Cloud on your computer

(Duración del video: 3:02)

Watch this video to learn how to download the Verizon Cloud Desktop software, install, sign in and start backing up your files.

verizon-cloud-desktop-video: Transcripción del video

*The first 30 days are free. After that, you will be charged the monthly fee until you cancel your subscription with the Verizon Cloud app or My Verizon.
**Verizon Cloud no hace copias de seguridad de sistemas operativos, configuraciones, aplicaciones, correos electrónicos, unidades externas y tipos de archivos no comunes. Max 10 GB upload file size. 50 GB daily upload limit per user on desktop app after initial backup completes; if user exceeds 500 GB in a month, daily limit is 10 GB for rest of month.
***Only selected folders will be automatically backed up to the Cloud. Any changes to files or folders outside of what the user selected during the set up will not be backed up.