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What is the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
Who can use the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
Is there a Spanish version of the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
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How do I preview personal information in the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
How do I request a download of personal information from the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
How do I request to delete personal information in the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
What happens after I delete my personal information in the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
How do I submit an appeal?
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Why are there 2 download options: Standard and Advanced, and what's the difference?
Why is some of my information masked in the Verizon Privacy Dashboard?
Is there a charge to submit a privacy request?
How do I opt out of the sale of personal information and the use and sharing of personal information for targeted advertising purposes?
Can I alter the information I have received from my download request?
Why do I see call information on my download that doesn't appear on my bill?
If I'm an Account Owner, can I request to download information for each line on my account?
I purchased and activated a phone through an authorized retail store, not from a Verizon corporate-owned store. Can I still make a request to access personal information?
If I'm a former Verizon mobile customer, can I submit a request to access personal information?
I have never had an account with Verizon. Can I submit a request to access, correct or delete personal information?
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How do I authenticate myself by phone?
How can I check the status of a request I made through the Verizon toll-free privacy number?
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What is an authorized agent?
How do I authorize a business or individual as my agent?
What can an authorized agent do?
How do I remove the authorization of an agent?
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