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Apple iPad (9th Generation) - Support Overview
Find all iPad (9th Generation) Support information here. Learn how to activate, set up features and troubleshoot issues with our FAQs, how-to guides and videos.
Set up & activate your device
Here's how to quickly set up your iPad.
Device tutorial
Interactive device guidance for your iPad (9th Generation).
Top 10 things to do with your tablet
Learn how to set up your tablet with important features and functions. Get the most out of your new tablet with these practical tips.
Transfer contacts & media
Find the best way to transfer your pictures, videos, contacts and other content from one device to another. See step-by-step instructions for devices by operating system.
How to find your lost or stolen phone or tablet
Learn how to locate, track & lock a lost or stolen device. Get the tablet or phone locator for any OS: Android, Apple, or basic phones.
Connected device plans - data for non-phone devices FAQs
Find support for plans including unlimited and shared data options to connect your tablet, smartwatch and other smart devices to the Verizon network.
Browse other topics
How to Use
Apple - Test the Microphone
Here's how to Test the Microphone on your Apple mobile device
How to Use
Apple iPad - Turn 4G LTE On / Off
Here's how to turn 4G LTE data for your iPad on or off.
How to Use
Apple iPad - View Device ID
Here's how to find the device ID (IMEI / MEID) for your iPad.